1) Ape name penuh kamu? Orang panggil kamu ape?
- Mohamad Afnan Md Razi, doesn't have many nicknames actually. You can all me anything you want lah.
2) Apa bende paling penting dlm idop kamu?
- Basketball. Its help me a lot getting rid of my 'excess baggage'. =)
3) Dimana tempat impian perkahwinan kamu?
- Di halaman rumahku, go on with the tradition babe!
4) Ape makanan yg slalu kamu order di kedai makan?
- Variety, i can't listed it. =)
5) Adakah anda dilamun chenta? Jujur!
- Honestly, nope. Fed up with it, and wait until my chenta mood come lah.
6) Ape novel kegemaran kamu?
- Anything from Meg Cabot. Full of mystery, spooky~
7) Ape benda yg wajib ade dlm tas tgn kamu?
- Dont have one and im not planning to have it. =)
8) Tempat paling kamu gemar bertandang?
- Desa Park City, the most relaxious place to walk around and take a fresh healthy air. p/s: also got many hott chicks there. =)
9) Perkara / benda yg buat anda ketagih?
- ..Kinder Bueno. Haha!
10) Apa ciri wanita idaman kamu?
- Kind hearted, love not for the money and the most important, shorter than me. =)
11) Ape kamu lakukan ketika sedih?
- Tidur is the best way. Im serious.
12) Apa yg kamu lakukan ketika marah?
- Shut my mouth up.
13) Baju kegemaran kamu?
- Fit nice to me, kalau boleh got V-Neck. p/s: Im NOT a gay. =)
14) Minuman di pagi hari?
- Plain water dan Dutch Lady Fresh Milk sahaja.
15) Cara terbaik utk menghilangkan stress?
- Again, tidur.
16) Lagu yg mengisi hari2 mu?
17) Siapa org paling disayangi?
- My Family for sure, begitu juga dengan kamu kawan2!
18) Kereta idaman kamu?
- BMW Z4 M Coupe. Pray for me to get one okayy. =)
19) Apa pendangan anda terhadap mat rempit?
- I hate rempitan. Hoho, but respect them the way they ride their bikes. I'd try to do a rempit style with Uzay's motor before, but I cant. =p
20) Ape impian anda dihari kelak?
- Own a Z4 and a happy family. But my 19yrs old dream, is to go for trip to Los Angeles. InsyaAllah, my dream will become true. Someday...